Apr 19, 2022
Most requested by you! Introducing new functions we are considering for TimeTree Premium
TimeTree Premium, which will be launched in late April, is a subscription-based service that offers even more convenient and efficient time management to frequent users of TimeTree. We plan to add functions based on users' wishes, starting with "ad-free" and "Premium dedicated support”. Today, we would like to introduce some of the features we are considering adding to TimeTree Premium in the future.
More details in this article:
The comments below are translated excerpts from the feedback we receive daily from our users.
Image/PDF attachments to the calendar
I receive so many printouts from the school! I hope I can add them to the shared events so that both parents stay in the loop and know our children's school schedule. Please add the option to add images to the events!
The school sends us so many letters in PDF format and I usually take screenshots of them and attach them to events. However, I would like to add them as PDFs to our shared calendar. That would make our scheduling easier.
One of the many requests we have received is the ability to attach images and PDF data to events. Currently, TimeTree allows users to post photos and images in the comment field after registering an event.
In the future, the premium plan will allow users to attach images directly when creating events. Also, with the increase in digital communication these days, I'm sure there are more opportunities to get handouts in PDF format, therefore we are working on a feature that will allow you to attach them in PDF format as well!
Vertical view to see all your events
My team shares a calendar and each of us has many meetings and appointments in a day. As a manager, it is difficult to see the “whole picture” of what the team is up to. I hope we can have more space to fit everyone's schedule and manage it properly.
Can you make a vertical view possible? I have a hard time seeing all my events in my busy schedule and having them laid out vertically would really help! Thank you!
The next feature we are considering is a vertical display of events. We have received comments such as, "It's hard to see it happen even after all these years... Sorry for the wait! We are thinking of offering the ability to display your daily events in a vertical, scrollable format for the Premium plan.
Highlight an important appointment. Never miss it again!
I have many events in a day and wish I could highlight some of them so I can see the most important ones first.
Sometimes, I miss my important meetings because they are at the end of the day. If I can have prioritized events that would help!
Do you sometimes miss important appointments on days when your schedule is full? Setting event priorities is one of the features requested by those who have a large number of events in a day. We are considering adding this feature to the Premium plan in the future to prioritize and organize your important appointments and events!
When was the last time you had that appointment? Find it with Advanced Search!
I wish to include the notes and comments, not only the title of events in search results!
When searching for past events, I wish I can add labels and other details to narrow down the search results.
"Hey, when was the last time that appointment was...?" Don’t you search for past events but don't remember all details of them? We have received many requests to improve our search options. We are considering an advanced search feature for future premium plans!
Here was an introduction of features we are considering adding to TimeTree Premium in the future. We are still planning so stay tuned for many more additional functions!
We appreciate your feedback and requests!
Until now, it has been difficult to respond to some of the requests we have received from our users because of their advanced nature. Now, with TimeTree Premium, it will be easier to respond to a wide range of requests from our users.
Please let us know your requests! Send your comments and requests to us via the Contact Us form in the app.