Mar 12, 2025
Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time Changes
TimeTree calendar event times are based on your device's date and time settings. Daylight Saving Time/Summer time will change automatically in the app and need no action from you. Please check your device's time zone to see if it is correct.
Check your event time zones:
Tap the image icon in the top left of the screen
Tap the Settings button on the top right corner
Set the "Time Zone" option to "Show"
Change event time zones:
Open the calendar you wish to edit events
Tap open event
Tap three dots in the upper right corner
Select "Edit"
Tap the time zone title below the time
Select a new time zone (Search by city name)
Set the time again to update
Tap "Save"
This Help Page might also be useful to you:
If there are any issues before or after the change, let us know! Please use this form to contact us: Link to form or use the in-app contact form.