Family - Partner
Apr 4, 2022
Chloe, shares with boyfriend to check their work schedule

đź’¬From Chloe
“I love TimeTree because it enables me to clearly structure my schedule daily, monthly, and yearly. It’s very clear and simple to use, there are no complications and I love that I can color code different labels for my boyfriend and me. Previously I had to remind my boyfriend of certain events, birthdays, and annual leave, now he just checks TimeTree!”
đź’ˇ How do I specifically use TimeTree...
I specifically use TimeTree, because I work in the Travel industry so I am often abroad working and my boyfriend works shift patterns. This allows us to enter all social events, work dates, birthdays, annual leave, and special occasions. We both have specific colors to keep a track of what we are doing and use the app to share our availability with friends.
📱 Chloe’s Calendar

đź’šComment from TimeTree Team
Thank you Chloe for sharing your TimeTree usage! It is really interesting to see you are tracking which countries you have visited before using the memo! This can be used in other ways as well! Also, changing names for each label will definitely help you to organize your events.