Press Releases
Oct 4, 2023
TimeTree and DAC introduce “MIRAI_DSP,” an ad delivery service that utilizes the calendar sharing app TimeTree
For ad delivery that captures user moments based on future data
Tokyo, October 4, 2023 --- TimeTree, Inc. (TimeTree) and D.A.Consortium Inc. (DAC) are proud to announce the joint development and introduction of MIRAI_DSP, an ad delivery service that utilizes the calendar sharing app TimeTree. With “future data”(*1) related to TimeTree user schedules and DAC’s various ad platforms, the new service is able to provide highly precise targeting and a wide range of ad deliveries that capture user moments.
MIRAI_DSP is an ad delivery system jointly developed by TimeTree and DAC. Based on an algorithm that predicts user behavior and purchases, MIRAI_DSP generates segments for highly accurate targeting. The algorithm utilizes not only past actual data but also future data, in other words, appointments and life events that TimeTree users have saved in their calendars, to predict future user behavior, such as when they might buy a product or use a service. Because this new system gives users valuable information related to their schedules at the optimal timing, advertisers can conduct effective marketing that reaches out to high-potential customers, thus providing benefits to both sides. In addition to supporting the development, DAC is also working with TimeTree to sell MIRAI_DSP.

With the aim to evolve as Japan’s only future data ad platform and expand operations, TimeTree and DAC will continue to promote post-cookie initiatives and enhance the accuracy of the MIRAI_DSP algorithm to provide ad deliveries that meet the needs of a variety of industries and business types.
(*1)User-permitted data for utilization(https://timetreeapp.com/intl/ja/terms/privacy)(*2)https://timetreeapp.com/
Corporate Information
TimeTree, Inc. https://timetreeapp.com/intl/en/corporate
TimeTree, Inc. develops and operates the calendar sharing application “TimeTree” with a mission, “Connecting your time with time-related information about people, events, services and various media content around you, so that you can make better choices for a better tomorrow”.
Since "TimeTree" is designed to be shared with someone else, you can easily share your schedule with multiple people, such as family members, partners, hobby groups, colleagues and others, and can create multiple calendars for different purposes.
The service was first introduced on March 24, 2015, and has more than 50 million registered users globally as of September 2023. As a “wall calendar in your smartphone”, “TimeTree” is widely used by users in their daily lives.
Representative : Yasuto Fukagawa, President & CEO
Head Office : Shinjuku Kokusai Building Annex 503, 6-6-3, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Established : September 1, 2014
Business : Development and operation of the calendar sharing app TimeTree
D.A.Consortium Inc. https://www.dac.co.jp/english/
Established in 1996 during the early days of online advertising, DAC has led the formation and growth of the digital marketing industry by steadily expanding its operations with the increased digitalization of information and lifestyles.
Utilizing a wealth of knowledge and experience in digital advertising, advanced technological development skills, and strong relationships with media companies, platformers and other technology partners, DAC provides global and comprehensive digital marketing services, such as supporting company data utilization, designing promotional initiatives, and developing and constructing marketing systems.
Guided by the mission, “Empowering the digital future,” DAC will continue to be a leader in creating new forms of digital ads and marketing that provide new value to society.
Representative : Yuzo Tanaka,
Representative Director, President, CEO & CCO(Chief Compliance Officer)
Head Office : Yebisu Garden Place Tower, 4-20-3, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Established : December 1996
Business : Online media transaction related business, Solution business, Ad Operations Business
For inquiries regarding this News Release
TimeTree, Inc. Public Relations / E-mail:pr@timetreeapp.com
D.A.Consortium Inc. Corporate Strategy Group Public Relations / E-mail:ir_inf@dac.co.jp