Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time Changes
TimeTree calendar event times are based on your device's date and time settings. Daylight Saving Time/Summer time will change automatically in the app and need no action from you. Please check your device's time zone to see if it is correct.
User Survey: Share us your experience!
Thank you for using TimeTree! Please take part in the survey to improve our service!
Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time Changes
TimeTree calendar event times are based on your device's date and time settings. Daylight Saving Time/summer time will change automatically in the app and need no action from you.
Looking for Ambassadors starting from September!
Hi everyone! We are looking for new ambassadors who are interested in spreading the word about TimeTree. Earlier this year we started a new TimeTree Ambassador project and we had such an amazing experience! This time, we are recruiting up to ~30 (subject to change) new ambassadors who can start in September!
Most requested by you! Introducing new functions we are considering for TimeTree Premium
TimeTree Premium, which will be launched in late April, is a subscription-based service that offers even more convenient and efficient time management to frequent users of TimeTree. We plan to add functions based on users' wishes, starting with "ad-free" and "Premium dedicated support”. Today, we would like to introduce some of the features we are considering adding to TimeTree Premium in the future.
TimeTree Premiun Survey
The Survey is now closed. Thank you! TimeTree Team ---- Hi Everyone! We hope you are enjoying spring! We are currently preparing an ad-free plan (paid service) and planning to release it this spring and would love to hear your thoughts on the service and pricing.
Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time Changes
TimeTree calendar event times are based on your device date and time settings. Daylight Saving Time/summer time will change automatically in the app and need no action from you.
We are looing for Ambassadors (Second Round)!
Application time has ended. Thank you!
Ambassador Program Selections
Hi everyone! Thank you to all who applied for our ambassador program.
We are looking for Ambassadors!
THE APPLICATION PERIOD HAS ENDED! Please check your email as we are currently contacting the selected ambassadors!
TikTok & Instagram Holiday Giveaway
Share your special times with us this holiday season! How will you spend your holidays this year? Do you have traditions you follow? Share in TikTok or Instagram with the hashtag #TimeTreeHolidays and win TimeTree prizes!
Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time Changes
TimeTree calendar event times are based on your device date and time settings. Daylight Saving Time/summer time will change automatically in the app and need no action from you.
THE CONTEST HAS ENDED Fall Contest Round 2 on TikTok and Instagram until Oct. 20!
Thank you for participating in the first round! Time for the second round! Join the contest by posting a video to TikTok or Instagram. We have prepared Gift cards, 100 US$ for 50 winners. Good luck! 💃
TikTok Fall Contest Round 1 Winners Announced!
Round 1 has ended! Thank you to all participants, we receive so many videos and the decision was difficult!
TikTok Fall Contest September 15. - 26.
Hi, It’s that time of the year again… Back To School season and your upcoming fall schedule is already full?! How do you use TimeTree to organize your schedule now that you're back at school AND keep up with the important people in your busy life? 💃
Are you going to move to a different time zone?
The events from TimeTree will appear based on the region setting of your mobile device. If your time zone changes, your events time will also change. If you wish to add events to different time zones, follow the steps below:
United States Students Survey & Interview (this is now closed!)
Our survey is closed but we would like to thank you for your interest! The TimeTree Team
THE CONTEST HAS ENDED TikTok TimeTree Summer Contest
We’re so excited to see so many videos about our mobile app, TimeTree on TikTok! Thank you so much! 😊 We would love to see more of your stories to understand more about our user’s experiences. Share and have a chance to win a gift card of 50 USD or TimeTree goods! TimeTree will choose 3 lucky winners.